Don Hancock, Conrad Ortega, Henry Castillo, Scott Pritchett, Kirsten Greiner- Lollar, Haley Kotara, Sam Mendez, Kerry Assante, America Pena, Keane Rhodes, Rachel Dionne, Christian Schultz, Davyn Walls, Jennifer Guadiano, Katherine Phipps, Rudy Lizcano, Alfred & Rosie
Villarreal, Frank & Bitsy Duperier, Harry Flavin, Maria Martin
LORD JESUS CHRIST, you who traveled throughout Galilee healing the sick, enabling the blind to see and the lame to walk, bring healing to your people who need it this day. Grant relief to those who suffer pain and physical torment. Give peace to those whose minds are tortured by mental illness and anxiety. Comfort those who are alone in their suffering; may we reach out to them and to all the needy this day. Send your grace to caregivers that they might be gentle and effective agents of your loving mercy. May our suffering be joined with yours to bring healing throughout the world. Amen